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This option will show the filter tab, here you can specify filters. Filters can be words separated by spaces or sentences which need to be quoted “”, the filter will match when any of the words/sentences occur in the logmessage. To match all words/sentences the words/sentences need to be proceeded by a + sign, this “AND” function can also be accomplished by defining and activating multiple filters. A ^ sign in front of the word/sentence will negate the match. Use right mouse button in the panel to show context menu where you can add or remove filters. The filter will only be activated when the checkbox in the first column is checked. The filter will be applied to the logview, only when you hit the Apply button on the right. (see appendix A for regular expression syntax).




error warning                                    will match all logmessages that contain the words error OR warning

error  +warning                                will match logmessages that contain both words error AND warning

^info                                                     will match all logmessages that do not contain the word info

^info +^debug                                  will match all logmessages that do not contain the word info nor the word debug

“This is a text”                                  will match all logmessages that contain the sentence “This is a text”

When the checkbox RegEx is selected a regular expression is expected.