Hello, World, Take Two

If you allow for the usual 'public static main' stuff, the equivalent C# program is also a one-liner, thanks to the using statement. This brings a whole namespace into global scope, so if there's a using System; at the top, then any member of that namespace becomes directly available. It would be very convenient to have this available for LuaInterface programs as well. It turns out that this is not difficult at all, using a short utility library:

require 'CLRPackage'
import "System"
Console.WriteLine("sqrt(2) is {0}",Math.Sqrt(2))

Here the import function works very much like C#'s using statement. This program brings in the System.IO namespace, so now useful things like Directory and Path effectively become global.

require 'CLRPackage'
import "System"
import "System.IO"
Console.WriteLine("we are at {0}",Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())